Friday, January 11, 2013


At last blue sky

After weeks and weeks of soggy drizzly weather, a dazzling light this morning was such a surprise, many of us wondered what it was. The sun, of course. The clouds have given way to a spotless blue sky but no doubt some low temperatures on the way.
I had better go to the plot on Sunday and put down cloches on the lettuces, if they are not ready to eat.
I was already dreaming of planting shallots, broad beans, onions but maybe the cold snap will bring me back down to earth! Still, February is just a few weeks' away and I will soon be buying the onion sets, and looking for seed potatoes. If possible I am going to stick with the Belle de Fontenany earlies, so tasty, find some PinkFir Apple to plant as lates and see if I can't get those Claustar again - they gave a great yield. If I can't get those I am going back to Desiree.

New ideas for the new season? I am trying new varieties of Broad beans and peas, including snow (mangetout) peas this year, to change, perpetual spinach ( I tried a neighbour's and was impressed so I will give that a go, she said it was as easy as growing weeds :-) ) And I thought of trying white onions for a change, for salads. I have been growing reds but by winter I am fed up of them and they don't always keep that well. More variety this year. Big space for onions this year so I will fill it up!

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