Monday, February 20, 2012


Start of the new season

After a bitterly cold few weeks where the allotment was entirely out of the question, with the ground frozen solid, I can finally start working on the new season. The seeds are bought, the potting mix is there, and we are ready to go!
Yesterday I sowed a few echalote bulbs and I planted the seed onions that have been moping round the kitchen. I can't say that I thought I had done a very good job of it so we will soon see if the poor things take or not
It was sunny but cold. I pulled out the remaining sprouts, which gave us enough for Sunday lunch and a few leftover, and also pulled out a few dried flower stems and the rocket that had seeded itself over winter. I know I will get lots of fresh rocket shoots there in a few weeks. The poor old artichokes got well and truly frozen so I pulled out the old rotten leaves. I know they will pick up of their own accord. Thje garlic has survived the bitter cold - there are over 30 stems up so another good garlic harvest seems set to happen. It is about the most reliable crop I grow...
The plot looks desolate, and I must say that the whole site is the same. The extreme cold drove everyone away. So for once, my plot is looking reasonably well kept in comparison!
If milder weather continues, I will sow a few radish and fleece them and next week I will start on the onion sets. I also have finished the potato buying. This year I am planting:
25 Belle de Fontenay as earlies,
15 each of Vitelotte purple and Pink Fir Apples as lates
and 3kg of Claustar, which are a maincrop and which apparently give an excellent yield. I have not tried those before but they sound potentially good.

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