Monday, February 27, 2012


First onion sets in

But the seedlings I transplanted have all died off???? Last time I try onion from seed, I think that without a poly tunnel or cold greenhouse, it can't be done indoors.
Planted out a pound of Sturon brown onions and about 8 echalotes. I need to get some more sets though, as I only bought brown and red and I would like to try some whites this year too.
It was a lovely day yesterday, we also put in a dozen Belle de Fontenay early spuds, I will keep planting those out over the next few weeks. I also sowed and fleeced a row of radishes and spring turnips. There is light rain predicted mid week which will be just right.
Pottered around, planted some strawberry plants given to me by my neighbour who was chucking them out, and he also give me some thyme that I have planted down in the sunniest corner. He had loads of little suckers that self seeded from his main plant. Very nice of him. Tidied up the opther strawberries, cutting off the dead leaves and stems, brushing away the debris, they look much tidier now and tiny green shoots are starting to pop out of them.
I pulled out the last kale, turned over that area a wee bit, tidied up some of the edges, mostly it was just enjoying the warm day!

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