Monday, January 09, 2012


Back again for 2012

Yes I have neglected the blog in December, as the garden has been, mostly.

But the days will start getting longer and time waits for no gardener. SO this weekend, I rebuilt a composter - my heavy wooden one was destroyed by a big storm we had a couple of weeks ago and I am thinking it is time to move on. So I was given a new one, a big plastic Dalek, by our allotment site and I put it up. It was hell. Took me 40 minutes, sweating and grunting, but I finally managed to get it set up. Now to fill it!
The old site is blessed with a big heap of ready compost! I will mix some of it with some sand to get some potting compost for the first sowings. It was funny, as soon as I moved everything off, the birds, sparrows and robins, came over and were soon rooting around in it, looking for insects no doubt as it is alive with them, worms but also different types of borers, spiders, snail, slugs, a veritable feast no doubt, not to mention the edibles still rottng down.

Sowing has started, I did two small trays of Bedfordshire champion and Alisa Craig onions, first time I have tried seriously to do onions from seed. Not quite sure how it works, better scout around for more info. But they are happily sitting on the kitchen windowsill for now.
The year has begun! woo hoo!

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