Monday, November 15, 2010


November floodout

Well, all the best laid plans - I had planned a day off to really sort out teh garden but work commitments saw me cancel it. That was last week. It turned out to be quite a good day, and fairly dry. After that there was a long weekend - where it utterly poured the whole time. So I STILL have not planted the garlic or spread the manure or turned over the soil :-(
Hopefully I will take another day off in the next two weeks and see to it then before it gets too cold.
I have been spending my time cooking mostly! A friend gave me quinces, and I cooked them up into a jammy purée with apples to serve with meat, paté or foie gras. Delish.
Not much to soeak of garden wise then, with a bit of luck I will get the first Brussel sprouts next time I am down there. Yum.

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