Monday, October 11, 2010


Sorry for this long absence!

Which translates also as an absence from the garden for the most part. After some very late holidays, in Italy for a friend's wedding, and some rotten weather, the autumn work is going to be very hard!
I have been steadily harvesting though - tomatoes, peppers, all the squash bar two that are still growing, Pak Choy cabbage and the beetroot that is small but which I pulled up anyway and pressure cooked yesterday. The Cheltenham greentops are actually excellent and I think they just needed a lot more water than they got during our unusually dry summer. I will try them again next year.
yesterday I went down and pulled up all the remaining spuds, as attested by very sore legs today. I got a whole crate full of Mona Lisa variety, excellent yield, I will grow them again definitely. I finished the Rattes - on the whole disapponting, nice flavour but small potatoes and the last ones were starting to sprout in the ground!! So I daresay they won't last long. I am sure there must be several in the ground still, so pleanty of new potatoes next year from the volunteers!!
Still growing - Brussel Sprouts (they were infested with aphids that have mysteriously disappeared! Has something eaten them??), leeks, pak choy, late beetroot and parsnips, and the last Cobra beans that can be harvested next weekend. Now it's all downhill: Ripping out the old plants, making lots of compost for spring, digging over, weeding, fixing paths... the only thing left to plant is the garlic.
Another season, a bit disappointing, but I know I am getting better all the time!

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