Monday, August 09, 2010


getting ready for holidays

Which means a big tidy up in the garden before heading off. It is still desperately dry here. Not sure why I did that but I decided that it really was time to plant out the beetroot that was sown in modules and the last pak choy. I will have to water them heavily this week then just hope it rains at some point while we are away. I also sowed the last beans, a few Cobra climbers that were left in the packet and more green and yellow French.
The carrots are really a disaster. Again, they have failed to really develop. Why? I am guessing lack of water. Hand watering is just not substitute for a good shower occasionally. I will try again next year but it is discouraging. The beetroot are not much better, but next Year I will try the Cheltenham greentop again, as the couple that were actually developed were pretty tasty. They need more water though. And I think it was a mistake to plant them near the parsnips, I feel they are more efficient water seekers and maybe that was bad for the beets.
The squash are already dying back. sigh. not a good sign. Still, there are pumpkins on them, let's hope they swell enough to get some kind of harvest.
Still eating green beans, delish. And now steadily picking a few tomatoes every day. There will be an enormous glut when return from hols! The Moneymaker have really tasty fruit, although the skins are a little thick perhaps. I don't know why some people seem not to like them. The Tigerella still are very green, but I have had a couple of small Marmande. Again, very tasty, but one had a touch of blossom rot. I find they are pretty susceptible to that. The Gardener's Delight have already given several juicy cherry tomatoes, the kids love them. I will pick as many as can before going, I can always take a bag with me, and just hope that not too many rot away whil we are absent.

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J'Aurais aimé voir des photos qui représentent ce dont vousparlez!!! Une photo vaut bien mille mots!
Oui je sais, malheureusement je n'ai jamais l'appareil photo sur moi au bon moment! je vais essayer d'y penser pour faire des photos "avant-apres" car je crains que le potager sera en piteux état apres mon retour des vacances :-(
Ici a Nantes on est en pleine secheresse, mais ils disent que ce soir ou demain il pleuvra. J'espere vraiment, c'est archi-sec.
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