Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Long time no see

Well I have taken a bit of a forced break but now it's back on board for the new season (soon, anyway).
I went down to the allotment on Sunday. It was a bitterly cold day, all the plots were covered with athick layer of frost. I think it is the coldest it has been since I started it. Even the water barrels were completely iced up.

The change over a few weeks was less than what I expected. Some of the round cabbages had been frost hit but the red cabbage was OK, I cut some and it was lovely cooked up. The garlic had sprouted but was now dormant, I am hoping that the cold spell will cause it to bulb.
My littlest one took a picture of me testing the ground (but it was permafrost down there).
I think I will have as much digging work to do once things warm up as I did the firstyear that I took it on. No matter, I will take it slowly. Have to start the planning process (and do that lovely seed catalogue browsing!).

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