Wednesday, June 25, 2008


A courgette a day

Popped down this morning to water the new red cabbage seedlings, I am ever so pleased with them! They have taken on nicely, as have their green broccoli neighbours. I think that section should benefit from all the manure I put in teh surrounding spud beds. On the weekend I will have to dig a proper sprout bed and put in the babies that are in a nursery bed temporarily.
Then again on the weekend I will also have to have a weed blitz, there is bindweed everywhere and some of it is flowering :-( The pumpkins are rampant! They are growing much more than I thought they would! And there are a few tiny fruit on them! There are a few weeds in that patch but I am not sure they have much of a chance with the pumpkin spreading its leaves everywhere. I will have to train them in certain directions, I would say.
In other news, the first tomatoes are forming, they look terrific. The melons are still a bit sad on their bed but they haven't died so I guess that is as good news as any.
The task list for the weekend will be:
Once I have done that maybe the weeds will seem less of a problem? Maybe a good hoe will get on top of it a bit :-( I must take some pics so everyone can see the mess I am referring to.
Oh and why the title? Because since Sunday, three nice courgettes have grown - one a day ;-)

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